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Working in 13 post-conflict communities to build ownership of the 2005 Comprehensive Peace Agreement at the community level. 

The Challenge

RE!NSTITUTE was introduced to thirteen post-conflict communities to help build ownership of a community-driven program sponsored by the World Bank. The 100-Day Challenge focus was to shift the focus of the Community Development Fund (CDF) program from infrastructure (building schools and health centers) to impact (improving critical health and education indicators).

The Outcome

One 100-Day Challenge was delivered in each of the thirteen communities, with most teams exceeding their results-focused goal. In less than 100 Days, a school was built; a health center was built; malaria incidence was reduced—all through communities working together to own and drive the change they wanted to see.

School Dropouts
- 50 %
reduction in school dropout rates in Um Sura (North Kordofan)
Community Development
bricks made by the community to construct a local school
34 %
Decrease in Malaria prevalence in Diman (Kassala
The Project Detail

RE!NSTITUTE partnered with the Community Development Fund (CDF), sponsored by the World Bank, to be set up by the donor community to support the 2005 Comprehensive Peace Agreement between North and South Sudan. RE!NSTITUTE was introduced to thirteen post-conflict communities in North Kordofan, South Kordofan, and Kassala. Similar to the Community-Based Rural Development Program in Ghana, the challenge in CDF was to build ownership of the program at the community level and to shift the focus of the program from infrastructure (building schools and health centers) to impact (improving critical health and education indicators). The 100-Day Challenges brought communities together around a common purpose, and their results helped them leverage the determination and energy to continue rebuilding their communities.

RE!NSTITUTE then trained newly appointed Locality staff to embed the RE!NSTITUTE 100-Day Challenge methodology. This was part of the decentralization plan, a cornerstone of the Naivasha peace agreement.


In Um Sura (North Kordofan), the community team’s goal was to reduce dropout rates by 50%, from 22 dropouts the previous year to a reduced number of 11 dropouts. Not only did they exceed their goal, but 16 of the students who had dropped out last year returned to school. 

In Silkyay (Kassala), the team set a goal to increase enrollment from 60 students to 120. The team exceeded its goal by reaching an enrollment of 128. The team also built two classes, an office, and a school latrine.

In Diman (Kassala), team efforts decreased Malaria prevalence among children and pregnant women from 50% to 16% (according to blood tests conducted by the Malaria control unit). The team also built a health staff house near the community clinic.
In Khor el Deleib (South Kordofan), the community team sought to increase primary school enrollment from 50 to 75. They exceeded their goal and reached 87 enrolled students. 

In addition, the Khor el Deleib team built a new school – an accomplishment that required them to mediate a long-running dispute between two local tribes. Eleven 11 local tribes were represented on the RE!NSTITUTE team.

Additional Reading
  • The World Bank
Featured Project
  • Governance
  • Training
Project, Democratic Republic of the Congo Training and Certification on 100-Day Challenges in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
  • Gender
  • Justice
Project, Mexico Gender Violence in Quintana Roo
  • Governance
Project, United Arab Emirates Government Accelerators in United Arab Emirates
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Sarah Bio Photo
By Sarah Salomon-Hennessy (She/They) Director of Learning and Improvement
What's Next Workshop for Palm Beach County.
  • Health
  • Housing & Homelessness
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