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Learning overview

At RE!NSTITUTE, we support a culture of learning within our organization and with our partners, using insights and evidence to inspire and support teams creating positive change in complex settings. 

Our Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning (MEL)  team is central to this culture of learning, putting a focus on learning in all that we do. In particular, we create methodologies and processes that ensure that our approach to monitoring, evaluation and learning results in usable insights about the processes, contexts and behaviors which catalyze positive system-wide change. 

We find out not just what has changed, but how and why it has changed. We want to know if our teams have succeeded, but also what has helped that to happen, what helps it be sustainable and what this means for the wider system.

Learning Diary
a black and white noir illustration of Ariadna the police officer mentioned in this post
  • Gender
  • Justice
event Friday, 21 April 2023
Ruta Heni - Hidalgo, Mexico: A Life-Saving Innovation Inspired by Our 100-Day Challenge Methodology
a wallpaper of icons representing elements that sustain systems change
  • Learn
event Friday, 10 March 2023
5 things we have learned about sustaining change.
Sarah Robers bio photo
By Sarah Robens (She/Her) Chief Executive Officer
A woman dressed in black with dark brown hair wearing glasses presenting in front of a white board with writing on it.
  • Housing & Homelessness
event Friday, 28 October 2022
A Conversation About The Impact of Our Applied Training Cohort in Merced County.
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