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RE!NSTITUTE is a 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization and your donation is tax-deductible within the guidelines of U.S. law.


RE!NSTITUTE is a 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization and your donation is tax-deductible within the guidelines of U.S. law. Contributions to RE!NSTITUTE will always be tax-deductible. Once your gift has been received, an IRS-compliant tax acknowledgment will be sent to you. To claim a donation as a deduction on your U.S. taxes, please keep your emailed donation receipt as your official record. 

Please note that donors giving through a Donor Advised Fund (DAF) or their Individual Retirement Account (IRA) will be issued a letter of thanks from RE!NSTITUTE and an IRS-compliant tax acknowledgment through their respective custodian.

Outside of DAF giving, RE!NSTITUTE does not accept donations from jurisdictions in which we are not currently registered. Please contact for more information on how to give. 

You can give to RE!NSTITUTE through the following ways:

  • ONLINE: You can donate online through our donation page here. RE!NSTITUTE does not accept donations from jurisdictions in which we are not currently registered. 
  • CHECK / EMAIL: You can donate via check by writing a check payable to RE!NSTITUTE and mailing to RE!NSTITUTE, Six Landmark Square, Suite 400, Stamford, CT, 06901
  • WIRE TRANSFER: You can send a donation via a wire transfer, please contact for more information. 
  • DONOR-ADVISED FUNDS (DAF): You can create a grant recommendation from your donor-advised fund to support RE!NSTITUTE. Please contact your donor-fund advisor for more information. You should consult with your tax advisor and lawyer to determine what planned gift strategy is best for your current tax situation and income requirements.
  • QUALIFIED CHARITABLE DISTRIBUTION (QCD): Individuals at least  70 ½ years can reduce their taxable income by making a QCD directly from their Individual Retirement Account (IRA) to RE!NSTITUTE. Please contact your IRA custodian for more information on how to set up your QCD.
  • GIVE IN HONOR OR MEMORY: You can pay tribute to the life of someone special to you. Please contact our Development Team by email at to set up this special request. 
  • MATCHING GIFT: Double your impact through your employer's matching gift fund. Contact your employer’s human resources today, to discover if they offer matching gift fund benefits and how to set it up. 
“I love 100-Day Challenges. They help me to start analyzing and thinking about the day-to-day, to get out of the routine, what is not working for me and why. The 100-Day Challenge pushes me to innovate”.
Participant 100-Day Challenge, Mexico
More Ways to Contribute
  • AMAZON SMILE: Give while making your everyday purchases through Amazon Smile and selecting RE!NSTITUTE as your charity of choice. RE!NSTITUTE is signed up as a non-profit partner with Amazon Smile. U.S.-based customers can select to have RE!NSTITUTE as a preferred non-profit to receive .5% back on all purchases. Amazon has committed to donating .5% of all purchases made through Amazon Smile, making it easy for you to give from Amazon’s wallet while doing your own shopping. Here’s how: Save this Amazon Smile link in your bookmarks and go to it first BEFORE shopping on Amazon.
  • STAY CONNECTED: Subscribe to our newsletter and follow us on social media
  • SPREAD THE WORD: Share our work with others through social media, email, and/or word of mouth.
  • PERSONAL FUNDRAISER: Consider creating your own fundraiser through Facebook or Instagram to support RE!NSTITUTE. You can create a fundraiser in celebration of your birthday, a special milestone, or just because.
  • GIFT YOUR TIME AND SKILLS: Do you have a skill or expertise (graphic design, video production, etc) that you believe could assist us in our work. If so, you can give the gift of time.  Please contact the Development team at to learn more about opportunities that may align with your skillset. 
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Why give

Why giving to RE!NSTITUTE creates lasting impact.

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