On April 18, 2023, the team came together to present their work and define the next steps to several of the community's System Leaders at the What's Next Workshop.
The What's Next Workshop is the final workshop in a RE!NSTITUTE 100-Day Challenge, which has three primary objectives.
- Review and celebrate the team's work, achievements, and learning during the 100-Day Challenge.
- Review the framework for the Sustainability Plan, and finalize it with team members and System Leaders.
- Develop and agree on how the community will implement the Sustainability Plan.

Over the 100 days before the start of the challenge, PBC was able to house 12 individuals living with HIV and experiencing homelessness. During the challenge, PBC was able to more than double this number, housing 28 individuals living with HIV and experiencing homelessness.
The What's Next Workshop was an opportunity for Team Members and System Leaders to review the innovations that came from the challenge and identify how they could ensure these innovations moved from siloed experimentation to community-wide standard operation.
The team felt that two significant factors allowed them to create incredible outcomes throughout the challenge. First, the team was effectively sharing data across the homeless response system and the healthcare system, and second, members from the two systems, homeless response, and healthcare, were training each other on how the other system worked. These factors led to the identified need for ongoing dual system data sharing and case conferencing, as well as standardized training community-wide around both the homeless response system, as well as the health care system, with the potential of adding other mainstream resources to be trained on, such as education and legal services.
Before the What's Next Workshop, the team used the Waters of System Change Transformation Triangle to identify the necessary next steps to ensure stability for their two proposed innovations; these suggested next steps looked at structural elements of the system, including policy, practice, resources, relationships, power dynamics, and mindset shifts.

At the What's Next Workshop, community system leaders reviewed these proposed changes and identified where they had the influence to ensure they would happen.
Leaving the What's Next Workshop, the community celebrated the success of their challenge and moved forward with an action plan to ensure the work continued.
- Health
- Housing & Homelessness
- Health
- Housing & Homelessness