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In 2018, RE!NSTITUTE Coaches facilitated the Sustainability Workshop for the Jim Casey Youth Opportunities Initiative 100-Day Challenge.  
The 100-Day Challenge

On June 5th and 6th, Rapid Results Coaches facilitated the Sustainability Workshop for the Jim Casey Youth Opportunities Initiative 100-Day Challenge.  

Congrats to the two teams from Albuquerque, New Mexico and Sarpy County, Nebraska for dramatic increases in performance, system change, and transformative experiences for team members and leaders.    

In Albuquerque, the 100-Day Team set out in the first 100 days to increase positive connections with adults, community, and education for 250 system impacted young people. Through the first 100 days, they were able to connect 27 young people. While their goal was ambitious, they recognized quickly that the core of reconnecting youth was making some important system and practice changes, both great accomplishments.  A Community Connection Meeting (CCM) was established to review cases in a youth-centered strengths-based manner so partners can offer suggestions, support, and recommendations.  Their process now includes the creation of an action plan which is reviewed with the young person. The team also created a comprehensive asset map that aligns with the holistic way in which the team works with young people, taking into account all aspects of their needs, wants and goals.  The team is committed to continuing to test and strengthen the CCM process, adding a feedback loop for young people about the connections.  Authentically engaging young people continues to be a core value for this coordinated, multi-agency response team working to reconnect disconnected young people to their community.

In Sarpy County, 51 young adults and young families accessing Community Navigation increased their financial stability, which exceeded the ambitious 100-day goal by one young person. The team cites system change within Community Navigation as the primary benefit of the challenge, having added legal and employment services onsite in Sarpy County and developing two access points for homeless housing resources for the first time. They are ramping up Community Navigation services and intend to increase navigation capacity to serve additional households as a result of their learning in the 100 Day Challenge.

Both teams are now preparing for their upcoming What's Next Workshop where the team will share their accomplishments, learning, and plans for moving forward.  ONWARD!

Sean Whitten photo
By Sean Whitten (He/Him) Chief Executive Officer / Board President
event Friday, 16 June 2023
Sarah Bio Photo
By Sarah Salomon-Hennessy (She/They) Director of Learning and Improvement
What's Next Workshop for Palm Beach County.
  • Health
  • Housing & Homelessness
event Thursday, 8 June 2023