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Training communities on how to implement 100-Day Challenges as a vehicle for people-driven change.

The Challenge

Working with some of the poorest neighborhoods in Jordan RE!NSTITUTE and the Jordan River Foundation (JRF)  focused on the three issues most affecting the valley communities: school cleanliness, neighborhood sanitation, and family planning. Each focus area recruited a unique team for the duration of the 100-Day Challenge. 

The Outcome

The three teams successfully encouraged the community to mobilize around critical issues to make a difference and achieve tangible results. Determined to own and drive sustainable change in their valley, all three teams used their own resources and did not request additional funding.

Family Planning
Women received access to family planning tools

60 %
“good” school cleanliness rating
“very good” neighborhood cleanliness rating
The Project Detail

The 100-Day Challenge narrowed in on two neighborhoods in Ghore Al Mazra’a, located in the Jordan Valley. Three teams, focused on three unique focus areas, developed the following goals: 

Family Planning Team: Ensure that 300 new women from two targeted areas of the Jordan Valley are using one kind of family planning tool available at the health center in 100 Days.

School Cleanliness Team: Ensure that 60% (of 150 students and staff from the two schools) of those surveyed give the two targeted schools a cleanliness rating of “good” by the end of the 100 Days.

Neighborhood Cleanliness Team: Ensure that 80% of those surveyed from the two-targeted neighborhoods in Ghore Al Mazra’a (in Jordan Valley) give a rating of “very good” to their neighborhoods’ cleanliness by the end of the 100 Days.


School Cleanliness Team: Persuaded private businesses to donate cleaning supplies, a huge accomplishment allowing the team to save their resources for other needs. The team also reached out to the Jordan Security Forces to help clean the local schools and encouraged teachers and students to join in their efforts. Lastly, the school cleanliness team collected donations and started planting trees and plants to help improve the school's appearance.

Neighborhood Cleanliness Team: United with a local youth group for help in cleaning up garbage and litter throughout the two neighborhoods.

Family Planning Team: Gathered groups of women and educated them about the importance of different family planning tools.

  • Jordan River Foundation
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