Throughout 2008, 100-Day Challenges were used as a way of galvanizing private companies in the battle against HIV/AIDS in Ethiopia.
Throughout 2008, 100-Day Challenges were used as a way of galvanizing private companies in the battle against HIV/AIDS in Ethiopia. The Ethiopian Business Coalition against HIV/AIDS, working with the World Bank Institute and GTZ, used the approach to support private companies to find innovative approaches to support their staff in the battle against HIV/AIDS, in particular in relation to accessing voluntary testing and counseling.
Impacts included:
Half of the participating companies being able to extend voluntary testing and counseling services to 75-95% of their staff in less than 100 days.
A quarter achieved coverage of voluntary testing and counseling above 50% — levels far higher than similar efforts, many of which took twice as long to complete.
The development of approaches to ensure adequate food support to HIV positive employees
At the end of the 100-Day period, all companies were supported to continue their efforts and the programme continued with additional rounds of companies taking part in 100-Day Challenges. This approach was featured as best practice by UNAIDS.