Our Leadership
event Thursday, 8 July 2021

By Sean Whitten (He/Him) Chief Executive Officer / Board President
It is with great excitement that I’m stepping into the role of Chief Executive Officer of RE!NSTITUTE. It has been an honor and privilege learning from Nadim Matta over the past six years. His mentorship and passion for our work has been the driving force of the organization, and I am grateful that this will continue as he stays connected as an RE!NSTITUTE Board Member.
I began my journey with the RE!NSTITUTE 7 years ago, where I was a Team Leader on a 100-Day Challenge on Homelessness in the City of Fresno, CA. Instantly, I was struck by how quickly our community came together and broke down silos to work towards accomplishing a goal that none of us really thought was possible.
I joined RE!NSTITUTE (then RRI) shortly after, and worked with communities across the United States as a Catalyst - helping them make significant progress to prevent and end Veteran, Chronic, and Youth Homelessness. The dedication and passion I’ve seen from each and every community I’ve worked with has been one of the greatest joys and inspirations in my life. My most recent role at RE!NSTITUTE was as the Director of Programs for the US - which provided me the opportunity to support the Catalysts as they coached communities and to increase our impact by developing new and exciting projects for the organization.
The past year and a half has been an extremely difficult time for all of us, and we’ve all learned a lot about ourselves, our families, our countries, and our colleagues. We’ve had to reflect on who we are and the role we play in making society a better place. From COVID-19 taking the lives of millions of people around the world, to a racial reckoning in the US, to the rise of authoritarianism, xenophobia, and human rights abuses in so many countries and regions. It is apparent that now, more than ever, sitting idly by as we experience this collective trauma is no longer an option. We must take action.
It is a privilege to have the opportunity to lead an organization that fundamentally believes that through collaboration, innovation, and execution by those on the frontlines - results and system transformation are possible.
Echo Collins-Egan, the organization's new Chief Impact Officer, and I are working hard to expand the vision of RE!NSTITUTE, building off the significant impact 100-Day Challenges have made throughout a variety of sectors and contexts across the world. We understand that systems are complex, and that in order to have lasting systems change we must identify and solve for inequity in our systems, change the hearts, minds and behaviors of those in power, and trust that by amplifying the voice of those with lived experience, true transformation will emerge.
As I look to the future I see an organization that is committed to helping communities across the globe have Equal, Just, and Safe systems that include the perspective, experience and knowledge of those who have been affected by the issues. It will take reimagining the future we want to create, and how we as an organization can contribute to this future. It will include the need for a deeper sense of humility, transparency and integrity that have been the foundation of our organization and our work. This is the challenge ahead of us and we are eager to tackle it.